MPC Daily Prayer
/Daily Prayer
We invite you to set an alarm for 1900 hours (7 pm) every day.
As the MPC family, and with other families, we will join in prayer for all the needs of the world in this wilderness time. While our prayers will rise from different parts of our community they will be heard by the God who draws all things together. We are a people of prayer, and in this time, we will fully live into our identity.
Pray with us for peace, hope, courage and compassion for:
State and national leaders and their families, looming decisions and constant scrutiny
Health care workers and their families
Those who are ill and their families
Those who face the unknown with preexisting conditions
Emergency personnel and first responders and their families
Social workers and judges
Service providers who continue to serve at their own risk
Those who are losing their jobs and income
Children without childcare options, unsafe and hungry
Parents trying to be full time teachers and part-time providers
Parents and children who are separated from each other
Those whose mourning has been altered by physical distancing
Those for whom natural disasters continue to devastate
Churches trying to continue ministry to congregations and communities seeking God
All of us who have increasing anxiety about health, exposure, food, shelter, protecting family and what comes next