2025-2026 School Year Open Registration Information
Open Registration: New Applicants (Applicants who are not current Madison Presbyterian Church members, current students, or siblings of current students):
Applications will be accepted from prospective students in the community on Friday, February 14, 2025 from 8:30-11am at Madison Presbyterian Church Preschool, located in the Education Building of Madison Presbyterian Church (382 S. Main Street; parking available in the back of the building). No applications for Open Registration Day will be accepted by phone, email, or in-person before 8am on Monday, February 14, 2025. No application will be considered without $50 registration fee.
Registration priority is given in the following order: (1) MPCP staff children, (2) church members, (3) current students, and (4) siblings of currently enrolled students. Within each of these categories, spots and preference for days to attend are granted on a first come, first served basis. Once a class is full, a waiting list will be maintained, and parents will be notified as soon as an opening is available in keeping with the above order.
The following classes with tuition rates will be offered at MPCP for the 2025-2026 school year:
Ones Class M/W: $190/month
Ones Class T/TH: $190/month
Twos Class M/W/F: $240/month
Twos Class T/TH: $190/month
Twos Class 5-Day: $370/month
Threes Class 5-Day #1: $370/month
Threes Class 5-Day #2: $370/month
Pre-K Class 5-Day: $400/month
Please contact Mary Ann Orr, Preschool Director, at madisonprespreschool@gmail.com if you have any questions about our preschool or registration process.
You will be notified of your acceptance or wait list status on or by February 27, 2025.