Hebrews 101 : Tikvah

Romans 12:9-18
Jeremiah 29:4-14

October 18, 2020

8:20 New Testament Lesson:
15:02 Old Testament Lesson:& Sermon

Reverend David Powers, Senior Pastor
Reverend Colin Pettigrew, Associate Pastor

Mark Argo, organ
Christian Poppell, piano
Jack Rose, cello
Kennedy Smith, soprano
Katherine Webster, soprano
Alexis Boylan, violin

Prelude - Speak, O Lord, Thy Servant Heareth, Johann Pachelbel
Largo, Handel

Meditation - This Is My Father’s World, Charles Callahan

Postlude - Now Pray We Unto Thee, Buxtehude


August 23, 2020


August 16, 2020

July 26, 2020

July 19, 2020

The Patient Farmer

Matthew 13:28-30


July 12, 2020

Matthew 28: 28 -30

The Welfare of the City

Jeremiah 29: 1 - 7
Rev. Andy Cooke
Co-pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Augusta, Georgia


Trinity Sunday

Luke 5:1- 11

Rev. Dr. Tara Bulger
Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, Alabama
