Here I Am Lord, #69

December 12, 2023
Devotional by: Kathy Boardman

I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame
I will set a feast for them. My hand will save.  

Finest bread I will provide till their hearts be satisfied.  
I will give my life to them. Whom shall I send?

In the Spring of 1989, I was about to graduate from the Presbyterian School of Christian Education. The 1984 General Assembly had voted to assemble a new hymnal, and while we awaited the coming of “Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs,” we had access to bright blue booklets of selections from it, and used them every chance we got. What better place to ignite the launch of a new hymnal, than with fresh and enthusiastic educators and seminarians? 

One of the doctoral candidates wrote a musical for his graduate chapel with this hymn as the unifying theme, and I played a memorable character. The booklets accompanied us on retreats we led for area churches. The copies in the chapel became dog-eared and rumpled. At school, Here I Am Lord was #1 on the charts, and stayed there as we were launched into our first churches. For some of us, we, and the books, arrived within days of each other. 

I think my relationship with Presbyterian hymnals is pretty remarkable, having been up close and personal with the release of two of them. The red Hymnbook held the songs and responsive readings of my confirmation and youth at Athens First. The blue Hymnal was the book of my vocation. Now, ‘the purple book’ is part of my devotion and worship at home. Before, studying this hymn was about guiding a congregation. Now, the repeated ‘I will’ assures me of the trustworthy and loving character of God who is steadfast in the midst of change. Praise be.